venerdì, Ottobre 18, 2024
HomeEsteriZelensky out of touch with reality. Wants one million soldiers for counteroffensive

Zelensky out of touch with reality. Wants one million soldiers for counteroffensive

Zelensky sends a million soldiers to the slaughter.
It is known that war is unpredictable and produces heroes, cowards, and conditions of estrangement from reality.
And it is precisely this pathology that would affect the actor president.
According to Ukrainian sources, Zelensky has reportedly asked his generals to draw up a
plan to enlist one million soldiers for the announced counteroffensive scheduled for August.
It seems clear that the head of the Ukrainian armed forces is living in a world of his own, estranged from reality.
As of yesterday, one can no longer speak of disinformation. These reports given to the press so emphatically appear as dangerous boutades.
In almost all the international information directed from Kiev, it does not appear clear whether the generals have pointed out to him that his orders are unworkable.
If not, the generals would be responsible for a veritable massacre of Ukrainian soldiers.
Indeed, the implementation of orders depends on a number of rather complicated factors. The first problem to be assessed is to solve the time required for the enlistment operation of one million citizens in a situation of general displacement.
Having solved enlistment, it all depends on the number of trainers one has available and what the soldier is to be trained for. As a rule, for a good “trainer” you cannot follow more than a couple of 14-man squadrons, which at the most can reach the platoon level (we are talking about basic training, that is, enlisting civilians and making them soldiers) need between 45 and 60 days of training.
Obviously, with insufficient training soldiers will give poor results in the field.
To this must be added at least 2 weeks of training for “simple” specialists such as machine gunners, anti-tank specialists and ammunition carriers, which becomes 4 or 5 weeks for mortars.
Logistic, transportation, transmission and high-skill specializations such as radarists, transmission technicians, mechanics, computer technicians, etc. must also be made. – And this is where the time frame gets longer.
But a million soldiers obviously need a proper chain of command.
It is impossible to train an offices or NCOs in a few weeks.
In conclusion, if really Zelensky has ordered it, a massacre of poor Ukrainian soldiers is to be expected.


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